Class Times

2024-2025 Class Times

Group 6Group 5Group 4Group 3Group 1/2
Learn to Skate BeginnerLearn to Skate BeginnerLearn to Skate Skill ImprovementLearn to Speed SkateIntermediate and Advanced Speed Skating
Sunday 2:00pm-2:30pm
Saturday 12:15pm-12:45pm 

Sunday 2:30pm-3:00pm
Saturday 11:30am- 12:15pm

Saturday 10:30am-11:30am

Sunday 3:45pm-4:45pm



SJASSC has a wide variety of programs from Learn to Skate, to learn to speed skate, and competitive speed skating. All are taught in a friendly environment. Great exercise, lots of fun, many opportunities to make new friends, and parties are all included in these great programs!

Some practices may be cancelled or combined during speed skating competition weekends as the majority of skaters in the upper groups may be attending. Skaters who are not competing may attend the SJASSC practice of a lower group.  Practices may also be cancelled or rescheduled to accommodate other ice users such as Hockey Tournaments or City of Saint John events. These pre-planned changes will be noted on the calendar and may be subject to change. In the case of unplanned cancellations such as weather, efforts will be made to send a message to Facebook or e-mails.

Program Duration: Programs run from October 15th, 2024– March 30th, 2025

Location: Charles Gorman Arena, 80 University Avenue, Millidgeville – Saint John NB.

If you have any questions or concerns email us!


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